Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Schmalentines

Well, just got a call back from the HR gal and guess what? Breaks don't exist apparently. That's right, the job went to someone else. That someone else happened to be the wife of a dude that works there already. I was in shock that the HR gal actually told me that but not so shocked because that's the "Real World" for ya. The "good ole' boy" system - where you get a job based on who you know and has nothing to do with your qualifications (or lack thereof). Sadly, I know the process all too well. I was that wife who got a job based on this exact scenario. And, I know at the time I wasn't the most qualified candidate and that I possibly ripped it from the hands of someone more qualified and more deserving. It just plain sucks. I know I rocked those two interviews to pieces. NO ONE is/was more qualified than I am so that just goes to show it's all about who you know. This wouldn't have been such a blow to the girly parts if this job didn't pay so well or have awesome benefits. I feel like the pot of gold was snatched from my hands after waiting patiently for over a week to claim my prize. FML :/

To top it all off, I greeted the door this afternoon after the bell rang and there was a box on the doorstep from 1-800-Flowers, so excitedly I picked it up and as I read the name and address on the box, realized it was for my neighbor.

Yeah, Happy Valentines Day to me.

1 comment:

Jessica said...


Praying for you everyday! The perfect job will come along. Valentines Day was a bust here too :-(