Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Numbers Game

I feel like I haven't updated my blog in forever.  I honestly don't know how people find the time to keep up sometimes when I can barely keep my head above water most of the time.  Anyhow, April has been a tough month on me.  Filled with birthdays and anniversaries and generally things that I don't care to rejoice in lately, but can't avoid thinking about either.  And, whenever you think of birthdays and anniversaries, you're generally dealing with numbers so that's what this random update is about.  So, here they are, some fun, some not so fun.  Some I can't block out or wipe away and others I eat, sleep and breathe every moment of my life...

11 - weeks left until I graduate with my Master's Degree
8  - the total number of years it will take me to complete an Associate's, Bachelor's and Master's degree
4 - years I spent serving my country in the USAF
15 - this June, marking how many years since I graduated from High School
10 - the number of both prescription medications and OTC supplements I take daily
5 - if things were different, that's how many years I'd be married as of this month
33 - how old I will be this year
40 - how old my ex husband just turned
2 - years since my ex husband and I first started "trying" to get pregnant
8 - days since he had a vasectomy and actually told me about it
2 - months I've been officially divorced
3 - months until my car is paid off!  (woot)
4 - the number of dress sizes I've lost in the past year
21 - the number of pounds I've lost in the past year
2 - the number of times I've cried in the last month
25+ - the number of times I've cried in the past year
30+ - the number of times I've been punched in the ovaries (figuratively, of course)
9 - on a scale of 1-10, 9 is how I rate my own strength
10 - years since I met my best friend
4 - number of times I saw her this month
6 - number of months I'll go before seeing her again
5 - approximate number of times I've gone on Facebook this year
2 - times per month I contemplate removing the text feature from my cell phone
2 - times per week I have a serious (and I mean SERIOUS) chocolate craving
1 - one life to live to the fullest

And I fully intend on continuing to pursue that last one!  Ok, off to bed.  I'd love to update with more but my brain is like oatmeal right now and I'm typing with one eye open.  Someday...ok, like as in 11 weeks, I'll have more time to update my randomness blog and incorporate some of my usual wit and banter, and less time investing in my silly little education.  I think 8 years of my almost 33 years of existence is ample time spent frying my brain with secondary education text book mumbo-jumbo overload.  Whattaya think? haha...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was good to see an update from you, even if it's not the happiest of updates.

<3 you girl!